How Digital Advice Empowers Wealth Managers and Advisors
BlogDigital advice empowers wealth managers and advisors to deliver advice that’s more personalized, flexible, and efficient.
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Provide customers with a choice of communication channels including Secure Messenger and Live Chat for a more convenient experience that instills trust. Video call is also an option, offering the reassurance of remote real-time interaction that clients prefer.
Use digital tools to host effective online client meetings that increase customer satisfaction even when the advice is challenging. Add value by collaborating with customers around forms and contracts, verifying ID and completing documents in a natural conversational flow.
Create a hybrid advice model that shifts advisors’ focus away from transactional activity and toward value-adding activities such as goals-based investing, financial planning and education. Anticipate how adopting a new advice model will impact business and operating models, strategy, and culture.
Improve customer satisfaction with personalised content that’s relevant to the investor, helping them make smarter decisions about their finances. Write advice articles in a clear and structured manner, using SEO keywords to help your article rank higher on search engines.
As a general rule, longer advice articles tend to rank better than shorter ones. This is because longer articles are easier to scan and read, and they are more likely to include the information your readers need.