Andrew Tate’s Misogyny is Putting Women’s Lives in Danger
BlogA former kickboxer and reality TV star, andrew tate has millions of followers across the globe. But the 36-year-old has a dark side that has been exposed in a series of accusations of rape and human trafficking, as well as heinous online outbursts and viewpoints. His alleged misogyny is putting women’s lives in danger, and it is not only damaging his own reputation but also the wider culture of violence against women.Source
In 2022, Tate and his brother Tristan were arrested in Romania on suspicion of forming a criminal gang to exploit women. They are accused of rape, sexual assault and multiple counts of human trafficking and are being held in detention. They deny all charges.
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The case against the brothers has shocked the world. It centers on allegations that they coerced women into performing sex acts in their home and a webcam studio they own in Romania. They have reportedly used physical and mental violence, including repeatedly strangling their victims. Prosecutors allege that they used a variety of methods to persuade the women, who were often paid a small amount of money for their participation.
Tate has been a key influencer on TikTok, which has become a global platform for extremist views and hate speech. He has been banned from the site several times for his dangerous content, but he still has millions of followers. Analysis by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate found that more than 100 TikTok accounts regularly promote his videos. He has a wide following amongst young men, and it is not uncommon for teachers to report incidents of boys quoting his alarming opinions on women to each other.